Behind Closed Doors
A corporate theatre workshop for organisations who believe that everyone has a part to play in ending family violence.
Behind Closed Doors is an introductory session for organisations to start addressing family violence. It is ideally delivered as a half day session.
The Experience Lab and DART Group have designed this workshop to support a range of organisations from corporate, mining, education, health, government, and not-for-profts as the first step towards primary prevention.
The session can be tailored for open sessions or specifically for managers, supervisors and leaders in your business.

Learning Objectives
Participants will:
Gain a greater awareness of the gender drivers and social norms that perpetuate unhealthy behaviours.
Recognise early signs and risk associated with family violence.
Develop effective communication strategies to support others.
Explore strategies for upstander intervention and community support.
Examine societal norms and cultural influences that perpetuate family violence.
Commit to personal and collective actions to prevent and address family violence within the workplace and community.
The Story
Skye is easy to get along with, well-liked at work and a respected member of her team. Judd is a project manager with mining contractor and is capable, self-assured and charming.
Outwardly, they are an insta-worthy couple - but behind closed doors Skye discovers that love, hurts. The strain of walking on eggshells in a relationship restricted by rules eventually impacts Skye’s work.
Judd’s casual comments about women hint at a darker side to his
nature. Will Skye and Judd’s co-workers notice the signs - and how will they respond?

CORPORATE THEATRE - Introducing new or challenging ideas through a theatrical storytelling lens allows the audience to observe, reflect, and put into practice new ideas in a safe and hands-off environment.
CHARACTER INTERVIEW - Participants interview the actors in character, to uncover the internal motivations, fears, and beliefs driving their observable behaviour.
CHARACTER COACHING - Characters ask participants for advice on how to behave, and take that advice into their scenario. Participants are prompted to reflect on the effectiveness of their input.
FORUM THEATRE - Participants redirect the outcome of a scene, by intervening when characters demonstrate unhelpful behaviour, and offering feedback on appropriate behaviour.