Same Old Slugger
A corporate theatre workshop exploring a variety of inappropriate behaviours in the workplace
A distinctive and highly engaging workplace training session focused on promoting appropriate workplace behaviours to foster an inclusive working environment.
Same Old Slugger explores how a range of inappropriate and non-inclusive behaviours create a toxic workplace. In the session we identify poor conduct, determine best practice and help to skill up the characters and participants to create a workplace where everyone is valued.
Our corporate theatre training is delivered independently or as a part of a half-day or full-day workshop.

Learning Outcomes
Participants will:
Identify inclusive and non-inclusive, appropriate and inappropriate behaviours
Understand how their behaviour impacts on colleagues and the business
Discuss how they can integrate inclusive behaviours in their workplace
Discover that everyone is different and fighting their own battles and how this influences their behaviours
Practice giving feedback using a simple feedback model
Define unconscious bias and how it impacts behaviours and decision making processes
Reflect on and challenge their own unconscious biases and assumptions
We integrate and refer to your internal policies and code of conduct in addition to state and federal workplace legislation.
The Story
When Rupert needs to get a new project off the ground he enlists a diverse team bringing a variety of talents to the table.
Mackenzie is young, talented and ready to prove herself. Slugger has been working for donkey years and knows the business inside out. Tyler gets along with everyone but cruises along to avoid conflict. They all have what it takes to get the job done, if they can only put their differences aside.

CORPORATE THEATRE - Introducing new or challenging ideas through a theatrical storytelling lens allows the audience to observe, reflect, and put into practice new ideas in a safe and hands-off environment.
CHARACTER INTERVIEW - Participants interview the actors in character, to uncover the internal motivations, fears, and beliefs driving their observable behaviour.
CHARACTER COACHING - Characters ask participants for advice on how to behave, and take that advice into their scenario. Participants are prompted to reflect on the effectiveness of their input.