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Workshops & Bite Sized Skill Sessions

Engaging Learning

Our interactive and engaging workshops employ both theoretical and practical approaches to workplace learning and development.


We create fun and safe spaces for participants to learn and practice new skills to take back to the workplace. 

Our professional facilitators and actors utilise an array of different experiential learning techniques, including large group discussion, small group work, activity based learning, observed scenario, realplay, forum theatre and case studies.

Courageous Conversations

Courageous Conversations introduces strategies to master challenging workplace interactions. 


Whether providing feedback, or confronting inappropriate behaviour, participants develop the courage and confidence to take on difficult conversations successfully.

Act Like A Leader

Drawing on techniques used by professional actors and theatre directors, Act Like A Leader assists participants to influence how they are perceived by colleagues in the workplace.


Participants develop a more authentic, engaging and dynamic leadership presence.

Proactive Performance Management  

Prepare for success by identifying intervention strategies that establish and steer appropriate behaviours in the workplace. 


Proactive Performance Management explores formal and informal processes to empower struggling staff and extend high performers.

Introduction to Workplace Coaching

Explore the benefits of coaching as a leadership technique, and how to effectively implement and utilise coaching in the workplace. 


Introduction to Workplace Coaching provides participants with an opportunity to practice working collaboratively, setting goals and empowering others to succeed.

Practical Presentation Skills

Build the confidence and capacity to enhance your presentation style with Practical Presentation Skills.  


Exploring the role of voice, body, body 

language, script and improvisation, participants develop and put into practice skills and strategies to deliver engaging workplace presentations.

Build your own workshop

We are constantly developing new and creative ways to engage participants in the learning process.


Talk to us about how we can tailor an exclusive training experience designed to fit your organisation's specific learning and development needs.


This course is designed for anyone who takes responsibility for finding the potential in people and processes. We are pleased to host Julie Loveny, a Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, to bring you leadership training based on the best-selling book by Dr Brené Brown.

Bite Sized Learning

Our highly skilled facilitators are available for short ‘bite-sized’ learning experiences, that can be delivered as lunch and learns, or morning tea takeaways.


These highly interactive and engaging sessions are an entertaining and informative opportunity for your team to learn and put into practice new skills for the workplace.

Effective Listening

Explore and put into practice verbal and non-verbal listening skills to strengthen workplace communication and interpersonal relationships. 

Powerful Questioning

Foster curiosity and creativity within your team by using powerful questioning models to develop a deeper understanding of colleagues and clients.

Impactful Feedback
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Learn the mechanics of giving and receiving effective feedback that leads to genuine behavioural change.

Intro to Unconscious Bias

Explore common unconscious biases and their impact in the workplace and develop strategies to encourage inclusive behaviours.

Workplace Wellness
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Work collaboratively with your team to overcome barriers and identify strategies for managing stress and promoting wellness in the workplace. 

Becoming an Upstander

Learn what to do when you witness or you are on the receiving end of inappropriate behaviour in the workplace. Build skills to assertively call out poor behaviours in a respectful way to influence a shift in culture.

Masterclass Sessions

We love to give back to our Experience Lab family. Our complimentary Masterclass sessions are aimed at leaders, people and culture teams and Learning and Development professionals seeking to enhance their skills.


We utilise interactive techniques and hands-on activities to create dynamic skill based sessions that bring topics to life, leading to lasting learning.  This is a chance for us to showcase our skills, but also develop skills for your own practice. 

Register below to be notified of the next session, we look forward to seeing you soon. 

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© 2021-2024 The Experience Lab 

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